If you OVERTHINK, raise your hand
When I was doing my practicum, one of the pieces of advice that I kept with me, was to act as if I were a detective trying to solve the…
When I was doing my practicum, one of the pieces of advice that I kept with me, was to act as if I were a detective trying to solve the…
In one of Friend’s episodes, someone asked Phoebe’s phone number (one of the protagonists) and in all her candor she replied “I don’t know I’ve never called myself.” Even though…
Believe it or not, we’ve reached an era where we are better at relationships in the sense that we also look at qualities and traits in a partner. A recent…
When you search on the internet about acceptance, what you will most likely find is how peaceful you’ll feel once you accept reality. What most posts fail to achieve and…
Before entering my practicum year, we had to pass different classes that prepared us on a theoretical level for what individual therapy is all about. I still have Dr. S’s…
When I came back to Cyprus, one of the first psychoeducational seminars I did was on the emotional understanding of two-year-old toddlers. Justifiably, through the seminar, the topic of boundaries…
Knowing what self-esteem is, it’s the first step. The second step is to take action. If self-esteem is how much you value yourself, then, self-image is directly related to how…
Για τη φετινή Ημέρα των Δικαιωμάτων της Γυναίκας, αποφάσισα να μοιραστώ μαζί σας για τη μητρότητα. Η μητρότητα είναι μια επιλογή όπου όλες οι γυναίκες πρέπει να είναι ελεύθερες να επιλέξουν εάν…
One of my favorite quotes from Stranger Things, on Netflix, was Hopper’s letter. He wrote in the letter: “Feelings. Jesus. The truth is, for so long, I’d forgotten what those…
When I had C. as my client, it took me some time to establish rapport with her. Once I understood that she was able to trust me, I challenged her…